Educational Discussion Post about
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Cyberseek and the outlook on Jobs and Career Pathways
At first glance, was a great visual way to look at a snapshot of the open roles in the cybersecurity job market. Using the heatmaps, I was able to get a sense of what roles (and how many) were available in my area of the U.S. (Massachusetts). I was able to see what certs were being asked for and in demand. In addition, the Framework Category was a great way to see the roles and what the Knowledge, Skills and etc, were needed for the role.
The Career Pathway was exactly what I had been looking for when I started this course, I have been in IT for a long time, and while I am an IT generalist and a manager currently. I couldn’t figure out a direction to go in Cybersecurity, this interactive exercise leads me to believe that starting with Security+ is the best way for me to start with, and getting a few specific certs along the way.
Personally, I would have liked to see more of the job description data, as well as the way CyberSeek obtained this information? I would’ve wanted to see the actual post(s) even if filled or outdated, to get a sense of what the job entails. This way I could work on the other areas alongside the cyber certs that I would need and start tailoring my resume into the role I want.
Proceed with Caution
In my opinion, I also suggest airing with a side of caution, CompTIA, while being vendor-neutral, is at their core selling a product. While “Certs” are a good way to test and reinforce your knowledge, over the years I have seen their cost stand in the way of great people who can’t afford their certs. Emsi – Buring Glass also has a vested interest in marketing their products to the audience, clicking on Solutions and Career Insights leads to a page suggesting that it can help “Make Choosing a career easy for your students” and further below there is a link to Try Career Insight and a walkthrough. I would have liked to see this in action. However, this page opened to offering me a $4,500 per course page at their own “Burning Glass University” for a cert in Cybersecurity.
While the US Government, appears to be neutral with the NIST / NICE pages, it is focused heavily on education, reading through their listing of free and low-cost cybersecurity courses was cool, I will be using these more. I personally like the mix of on-the-job learning, in addition to classes.
My Thoughts and Opinion of CyberSecurity Pathways
My final thoughts, Cybersecurity is a complex field to navigate, with many different career paths, opinions, and options. I found myself starting with this course at the recommendation of Gerald Auger of Simply Cyber (, in addition to others who suggested My hope is that this course on edx for Washington University, would help me navigate the ever-growing field, and help me decide what direction to go in.